Dogs are commonly referred to as man’s best friend. These canines have been part of households for generations and have played significant roles in history. Another great thing about dogs is that they come in several fascinating breeds, some pure and some resulted as a mixture of the union of different breeds from across the world. England is another great place to look into when it comes to culture and history, as well as dogs. Here are 10 of the most adorable English dogs in the region any dog lover would love to have as their best friend.
10. English Setter

A friendly, mellow and merry that can also serve as a perfect companion. It is not a surprise to see English Setters as a favorite household staple for the rich and famous in old England. This elegant breed possess an ideal blend of stamina, strength, grace and style; That it is often referred to as the “gentleman of the dog world”. The males are very masculine but do not display coarseness while females can be overly refined at times.
See Also: 10 Best Police Dog Breeds In The World.
9. Beagle

A very versatile breed that can play the role of a companion or as an eager hunting partner in the field is what Beagles are known for. Beagles are most of the time happy and inquisitive making them interesting and fun pets for kids and adults alike. They can also be stubborn at times especially if not trained well. This scenthound was initially bred for hunting small game referring them as “a nose with feet”. Beagles are also pack dogs making them easy to get along with other animals and humans alike.
8. Bedlington Terrier

Orignally bred to hunt down vermin’s inside mines. The Bedlington Terrier is small dog named after the mining town Bedlington in North East England. It is also being included in dog races and dog shows. Or as a simple companion dog at home. It has very contradicting personalities. It can be very good with children but can take down any kind of dog with the same weight. They move quick has very high endurance and can swim really well. They were initially known as Rodbury Terrier before the name Bedlington was applied to the breed in 1825.
7. English Sheepdog

This breed of English dog is known for their sweet and very agreeable nature; Making them a favorite among several companion dogs. It has a strong, balanced, muscular and able built combined with agility makes is a very ideal shepherd or drover’s dog. It is one of the dog breeds with a loud and distinct bark, making it a perfect house companion as well.
6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This breed of canine is a mixed of the red and the white King Charles types spaniels used for hunting. The earlier ancestors of this breed can keep up with running horses and has been a favorite companion for hunting trips but the Duke of Marlborough. There were attempts to breed the original King Spaniel breed. However, what was developed was the present day Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a spaniel that is classified as a Toy Dog. It ranks as the 18th most popular pure-breed in the US and one of the most popular breed in the United Kingdom. It comes in four standard colors, chestnut and white, black/white/tan, black/tan and ruby.
5. Bull Mastiff

This massive and powerfully built dog is surprisingly good-natured and a good temperament. It is very docile and affectionate despite its muzzled and wrinkled look with that iconic undershot bite. However, if provoked, it can be very fearless. Bull Mastiff will unlikely attack but will catch an intruder, knock it down and hold him. These dogs crave human leadership and consider their master as an alpha. However it needs to have a firm and confident master with consistent rules to be able to obediently train this dog breed.
4. Fox Hound

A small-sized dog with minimum energy, the fox hound is one of the most affectionate, sociable and gentle dog breeds. They usually come in full size but surprisingly not heavy and have pronounced brows that are neither high nor sharp. Maintaining this type of dog is minimal due to its short, dense, hard and glossy coat. Very active canines, fox hounds require lots of exercise and running room to keep them healthy and happy. They are also generally healthy breeds living you limited worries about its health and welfare.
3. French Bulldog

In history, French bulldogs were well known as the “clown in the robe of a philosopher”. They are good looking dogs, fun pets, lively, energetic and very lovable. They do not bark a lot and do not sleep long during the day. These kinds of canines enjoy being the center of the attention that is why they enjoy doing fun activities together with the family as long as possible. This is the perfect pet dog a growing family would love to have in their household. However, they should be bred in climate-controlled conditions to stay healthy.
2. Cocker Spaniel

English cockers are the perfect hunting dog companion. They would feel incomplete if they are unable to bring home game after a full day of hunting. It has a tendency to wag its tail as sign of enjoyment during hunting. They are slightly taller and long compared to other dogs but short coupled. Taking care of the breed requires more exercise compared to other dogs. They are demonstrative, devoted, loyal and sensitive and very sociable.
See Also: 10 Extinct Breeds of Dogs.
1. Russell Terrier

One type of breed under the canine family that can top the high energy level that Fox terrier has. Jack Russell can also top the working ability as Border terriers have. It is strong willed, determined, very bold and tenacious and intense. It belongs to the athletic canine breed that enjoys the outdoors and activities. They can be very vigorous during play sessions and can be obsessive at times especially in ball chasing. It should be mentally stimulated at all times to avoid boredom.
These are the top 10 breed of Adorable English Dogs. Considered to be a top favorite among breeders and pet owners.
Top 10 Most Adorable English Dogs
- Russell Terrier
- Cocker Spaniel
- French Bulldog
- FoxHound
- BullMastiff
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- English Sheepdog
- Bedlington Terrier
- Beagle
- English Setter
Author – Joie Mojica-Gahum