From ponytails, to blue jeans to even lip syncing, here are 10 ridiculous rules that stand across the world. The 10 BIZARRE things you didn’t know banned or illegal around the globe.
10. BLUE JEANS – North Korea

The citizens of North Korea are prohibited from wearing blue jeans. Some would say this is mad. Dictator Kim Jong-un doesn’t seem to share the same views as the majority of us reasonable people, establishing the law because of the color blue and its connection to enemy country USA. He really doesn’t like Americans, huh? A consequence of his – to put it nicely, very strong dislike – towards the United States is that any inhabitants of North Korea are obligated to ditch any jeans in any shade of blue. As it is supposedly a symbol the enemy; Something that massively triggers the anti-Americans that make up the government of North Korea.
So, in the event that you may happen to find yourself in the heart of Pyongyang or another part of North Korea, I personally wouldn’t recommend wearing your favorite pair of blue jeans. I suggest you stick to another shade for your jeans that doesn’t anger the authorities of North Korea. They really do not approve of any reminders of their Western enemies.

France- a place the world associates with love and romance. However, you would be surprised to find out that it is actually against the law for couples to kiss one another at train stations. Lovers are strictly prohibited from displaying their affection for each other at train stations in France. And the rule has been around for a quite a while now. It was introduced all the way back in 1910.
It seems like such a trivial rule, banning someone from kissing goodbye to their most beloved and dearest? This would be the scene of the romantic comedy where we throw popcorn aimlessly at the screen in anger and upset. However, authorities have their reasoning behind the law; Claiming that these final moments of adoration are damaging to train timetables, with trains being delayed due to couples desperate to show one another their love before they depart. cries in single.
Some leniency has been shown though, and despite the fact that kissing on a train platform in France is illegal, the French have introduced kissing zones. In these areas, people are more than welcome to show their love to their partner as much as they want (kissing, I mean. Let’s keep it PG people) up until one’s train turns up and they go their separate ways. Tissues, anyone?
8. CHEWING GUM – Singapore

Bad breath? That’s a real shame for the people of Singapore, where the sticky substance is forbidden, a bid to keep the polluting debris it leaves behind at a minimum. The imports of chewing gum into the country is also illegal. Long story short, I would strongly advise AGAINST whipping out the Extra if ever in Singapore. When you hear how tough the punishments are, you will see that the flavor that only lasts for a small amount of time really isn’t worth it. Although tourists may bring 2 packets with them. Any more than this could result in a whopping $5,500 fine and a year stuck in jail – pardon the pun :).
And if you think that’s a harsh punishment for a simple matter like gum, the penalties only get more severe. Selling chewing gum carries an unrelenting punishment, a potential prison sentence of 2 years, alongside a tremendous fine of up to $100,000. Imagine how much packs of chewing gum you could by with those six figures. Unfortunately for the natives of Singapore, imagining is all they can do, unavailable to enjoy the great stuff the rest of us know and love.

This would come as a surprise for some, the hairstyle a common sight during early school days is actually illegal in Iran. Well, for men anyway. Mullets is another hairstyle Iranian men are prohibited to rock. It is a part of a ban on so-called “Western” hairstyles that forbid males from wearing “ponytails, mullets, and long, gelled hair”.
The law was introduced in 2010, and the intention behind the ridiculous rules was to have a country where not a single Western hairstyle could be in sight. The punishment for breaking this law are pretty severe; A persistent felon of this law will be faced with stiff fines. Additionally, the barber that did your hair could even have their establishment closed down. And if you thought that was harsh, a police guard has the right to cut off a man’s hair if it doesn’t follow the legal guidelines applied by the Iranian government. Rock stars, I think you should leave Iran out of your list of countries to perform at on tour.

The confectionery treat goes by the name Kinder Surprise, and the chocolate egg contains another internal plastic egg, holding pieces that assemble to make a “surprise” egg. The market that the creators aimed it for was children. However, the younger generations of the USA have been unable to access the chocolate legally. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the toys inside are a choking hazard, and therefore banned due to health reasons.
And once again, there are tough penalties for bringing the chocolate egg into the country. According to Independent, Canadians traveling to the US had packed 10 Kinder Eggs for their children. Upon arrival, the eggs were taken from them and they had to pay a huge fine of $1,200 per egg, which added up to $12,000. A substantial price to pay for some candy, and ironically, no one even got to eat it.
However, USA are reportedly allowing the sale of Kinder Egg as of May 2017, becoming available under the condition that the chocolate and plastic toy are separate.
5. FLIP FLOPS – Italy

Italy is the 3rd most popular holiday destination in Europe, attracting 58.3 million in 2017. So, you would assume that tourists would have the holiday essential of flip flops packed, right? Not if your visiting the region of Cinque Terre, where the shoe is completely banned!
The Cinque Terre National Park attracts many tourists that aim to hike on the landscape, enjoying the gorgeous views of the coast. However, the authorities are cracking down on tourists and their particular shoe choices. The reasoning behind the law is with vital health and safety in mind. Cinque Terre is made up of 5 villages, and rough footpaths connect them. Walking theses mountain-like paths in shoes such as flip flops is extremely dangerous and can result in injury. Therefore, if you are found wearing the unsuitable footwear whilst hiking you could face a fine ranging between $56 and $2,806. As high a price it is, the law values your safety and has the best interests in mind.

Italy is making a second appearance on this list of ridiculous rules or bizarre laws. More specifically the capital of Rome, where it is illegal to keep a goldfish in a bowl. The law was put into place after activists for animal rights claim keeping a fish in a bowl is cruel. It was also reported that the standard round fish bowl can allegedly trigger a fish to go blind, with numerous fish experts saying that they fail to supply a sufficient amount of oxygen for the gill bearing creature.
So, if you are a particular fan of the orange species of fish and just happen to live in the “Eternal City” of Rome, please be aware of this law against the typical circular fish bowl and house your beloved pet in an alternative home. Goldfish, alongside other animals, are also banned from being given away as prizes in fairgrounds. Guess after a successful game of Hook-A-Duck, the people of Rome will have to stick to winning a teddy bear instead.
3. OBESITY – Japan

Cover your ears, Peter Griffin! You might not want to hear this one. In the nation of Japan, if you are overweight you are virtually breaking the law in the eyes of the Japanese government. This extreme movement was put into place in 2008, with aims to reduce the price of healthcare. The rule is mainly directed at the older generation of adults, affecting residents of Japan between the ages of 40-74.
Every year, they must get their waist officially measured, and see if it fits in with the regulations. For men, the maximum waist size is 33.5 inches; A ladies waist should not go over 35.4. Many would agree that this is an extremely severe guideline to follow, considering the average American males waist is 39.7 inches, and a females 37.8 inches. Regardless, the law still stands, and if unable to comply you could face fine. Even more bizarrely, the fines aren’t paid by the person but their employer. Note to self: if ever employing in Japan, don’t consider enlisting Peter.
2. LIP SYNCING – Turkmenistan

Yes, the art of lip-syncing that is popular among diligent users of TikTok is officially illegal in Turkmenistan. The President that was governing the nation at the time, Saparmurat Niyazov, made the decision to ban lip syncing. His reasoning behind the law was to preserve the artistic culture of the country.
The rule means that all variations of lip syncing is strictly prohibited. From on the television to even private functions e.g. weddings. So, quick reminder for performers that don’t even sing and rely on auto-tune songs to lip sync to on stage – leave Turkmenistan out of your places to tour. Niyazov made your “talent” illegal back in 2005.

Winnie the Pooh – the beloved, yellow character that dominated some of our childhoods. What a sweet, innocent, lovable character! Right? Wrong, according to China, where Winne the Pooh is banned. So, why on earth did the government of CHINA decide to censor our precious Pooh, who we all know and love? (well, not all of us, I guess…)
Well, China’s president Xi Jingping was being mocked on many occasions by the internet, with many memes being made comparing Xi and Winnie. These memes must have really hurt Xi’s feelings, and images began to spread online, Chinese censors were blocking and erasing any meme ridiculing or comparing the President to Winnie. Wow, what a sensitive guy. But China didn’t stop there, and they hadn’t finished with the censorship of these images. The Chinese even refused to allow the film Christopher Robin (2018) featuring a blameless Winnie. The film was barred from being shown in Chinese cinemas. And anyone visiting cinemas in China won’t be viewing the adventures of Winnie and his companions, including; Christopher, Piglet, Eeyore and Tigger.