Is there another planet like earth? Science has seen astonishing growth in the past 5 decades and our knowledge of Space is increasing daily and we are discovering new planets, stars, black holes and many more things. Our curiosity for exploring space is increasing day by day and some reports says that there are around 300 million habitable planets in our Milky Way Galaxy alone. In 2021, there are 4843 confirmed exoplanets. Here, below we have mentioned 10 earth like planets that could be the future earth. We have not given any specific order to the planets because each one is unique.

The 10 Most Earth-like Alien Planets:
10. TOI 700 d
TOI 700 d is an exoplanet located in the habitable zone of its star TOI 700 which is a cool ‘M DWARF’. Located 100 light years away in the Dorado Constellation. The TOI 700 is only 40% of Sun Mass and size and only half of its surface temperature. The star doesn’t show any signs of harmful “stellar flares” that would make life impossible on orbiting planets.
TOI 700 d is a tidally locked planet which means that one side always faces the star and the other lives in darkness every time. The planet is probably known to be rocky and is 20% larger than earth and receives 86% light from the star in comparison to earth receives from the Sun.
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The TRAPPIST-1 is a dwarf planet nearly 40 light years away. Seven Known earth like planets in this star system and the full system was discovered in 2017. It is the only known solar system which has 7 earth like planets orbiting a single star. There are 3 habitable planets in this system and all three are probably known to be rocky planets.
The TRAPPIST-1e is most likely similar to earth in terms of size, mass and temperature. TRAPPIST-1e has 93% surface gravity of earth and is probably known to support liquid water and terrestrial life. The other planets in the solar system are known to be completely water worlds or covered with thick Ice sheets.
8. Proxima Centauri B
Proxima Centauri B is an exoplanet located in the habitable zone of its red dwarf star Proxima Centauri; Which is the closest star to our Sun and belongs to a triple star system. Proxima Centauri is located just 4.25 light years away from us. The star is so dim that you can’t see it from naked eyes even though it is the closest star known to the Sun. Proxima Centauri B is known to be the earth like planets but the chances of maintaining life on the planet is slim. As the exoplanet gets 2000 times more Stellar Winds from its parent star in comparison to earth.
The planet is supposed to be tidally locked to its parent star and one side might be freezing cold and the other side extremely hot.
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7. ROSS 128 b
Ross 128 b is an exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf star Ross 128, located 11 light years away from us. The exoplanet is considered one of the best suitable candidates for future earth. As it is only 35% more massive than earth and only 38% more star light which makes it suitable to host liquid water and also an atmosphere. The host star Ross 128 is only 17% mass and 20% radius of our Sun. The exoplanet Ross 128 b is located very close to its star and completes its orbit around the star in about 9.9 days.
6. GLIESE 581g
Gliese 581g is another habitable exoplanet located 20 light years away from us. But there is a doubt in the existence of the planet. In order to confirm the existence of a planet, two independent studies need to be conducted and the first study was conducted in 2010. The planet orbits around its parent star Gliese 581 which is a dwarf star and is much cooler than our Sun. Some research marks the existence of the planet and some don’t. So let’s wait for more accurate research in future.
5. Kepler-22b
Kepler-22b is an exoplanet located 600 light years away from us confirmed in December 2011. It was the first confirmed exoplanet in the habitable zone. It is 2.4 times larger than earth and it also orbits a sun-like star with a suitable temperature of 72° F (22° C) which makes it a suitable planet for living. Scientists have a doubt whether the planet is watery, gaseous or rocky but they have confirmed the cloudy atmosphere. As it is almost twice the size of earth and we can expect a very rocky core.
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4. Kepler 452b
Kepler 452b is an exoplanet which orbits a G2 type star and is located in the habitable zone whose mass it can hold liquid water on its surface. The exoplanet is 60% larger than earth and considered to be rocky. The exoplanet completes an orbit in 385 days and the exoplanet is slightly older than our Earth. It is known to be the most suitable habitable planet like Earth and also an older cousin to the Earth. The Parent star is 1.5 billion years older than our Sun and 10% larger. The exoplanet is located 1400 light years away from us in the Cygnus Constellation.
3. Kepler 186f
The exoplanet is 500 light years away from the Cygnus Constellation. Kepler 186f is also known as second earth and it is only 10% larger than earth. It lies in the habitable zone of its parent star. This exoplanet might have a suitable temperature to hold liquid water on its surface. The planet completes an orbit in 130 days and receives ⅓ light from its star in comparison to light earth receives from the Sun.
2. KOI 7711.01
The KOI 7711.01 is another candidate to host life. It is located 1700 light years away and Orbits a Sun like star. It is located in the habitable zone and can hold liquid water. But scientists are still confused what kind of atmosphere it has. Also, the exoplanet is 30% larger than our Earth.
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1. Kepler 62e
Kepler 62 is a solar system located 990 light years away from us. And the Kepler 62e comes in the habitable zone of its parent star. It is known to be a water world. Also, it is about 1.6 times the size of earth. And it is assumed that the exoplanet has cloudy skies and a warm temperature. It Orbits its star in 122 days. We can also call it a mini Neptune. As most of the part is covered with water with minimal land area, making it more interesting to look at.