The world as we know it is infested in with corruption and cruelty on both the laws side and the civilian side. Criminals will always roam the streets and contaminate a great city with their habits of destructive things which doesn’t involve law abiding. Power driven members are those who possess political influence, wealth, assets, and almost every resource known to man at their disposal. Lower society members who struggle to gain stable means of income are breeding life into the almost untouchable criminal underworld as we speak.
For as long as humanity exists, there will always be a continuous legacy and generation of crime, corruption and people who will resort to unlawful acts in order to attain what they desire but at the cost of another person’s life or belongings. The duty of every Police official is to uphold the security of the nation by combating crime and to ensure that others are in compliance of rules, regulations and governmental laws. See also; world’s best police forces list.
Below are a ranking of the most highly trained police forces in the World, in relation to their performance and efforts as well as security measures and systems they have in place to effectively enforce the law even by means of bringing to justice other corrupt officials within the respective police departments. Each Police force will be ranked according to their training and performance thus far.
10. RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)

Even though Canadian Police Services may not experience major war driven situations as other countries may. Their training is still above general standards which prepares them for those unpredictable situations when it happens. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have put things in motion, preparing them in advance by the development of their training college which enables officers to undergo advanced and specialized development programs that prepares them for the reality rather than the “made up stories’ of rose petals on the force.
Besides having the privileges of educational training, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police force, has to undergo intense ‘on the field training’.
The RCMP has been providing exceptional law enforcement service for more than 140 years. This is a service provided for almost a century and a half. Canada’s training for their law enforcement have been so up to standard that other smaller law enforcement entities often request the training of the RCMP in their smaller departments which shows a strong sense of leadership in their work that others willingly want to follow.
9. Netherlands National Police Agency

Dutch Masters at their finest in terms of their field of services to Law Enforcement. In consisting of 25 Regional units, the Netherlands National Police Agency has its own command staff which is under the Dutch Commissioner. Their main daily duties besides Law enforcement and by the Netherlands Police Act, Each police enforcer of each assigned regional unit is to be prominently and visibly present on the streets to provide better over watch of citizens; busting crimes in the process as it strikes which is more common in the form of Car theft, home burglaries etc., juvenile and also to combat serious crimes.
The Dutch National Police (All 25 regional units) are also highly trained in being able to conduct investigations of: Fraud, drugs, arms and human trafficking, large scale environmental crimes as well as sexual offenses. Since 2002, Dutch National Police has grown stronger consisting of more staff, better training, vehicles and methods of duty conduct as we’ll as somewhat 18% of women consisting of the staff at the time.
8. People’s Armed Police – China

As the name suggests, it’s a force that’s dedicated to the safety and surfacing of the people of China. Here the People’s Armed Police is more of a Military defense system mimic which carries out more or less the same tactics as they do, but on a more domestic level. This alone should speak for the amount of intensity and level of their training as opposed to other smaller unit police forces around the world. The armed police force of China has several divisions of which each have been highly trained for specific duties such as: security guards, Boarder patrol and security, Firefighting teams on standby that work in accordance to the PAP Force of China; All are interlinked.
There are also specific trained divisions who fall under the Traffic Department, Mobile Division as well as Public Utility division. When each Division is trained in a specific field of expertise, it ultimately avoids confusion of who needs to do what job as each is assigned to their very own jurisdictions of handling things within their field.
7. Federal Police of Germany

The Federal Police of Germany represents an elite trained policing system which grants the allowance of controlling their own units which spans over 16 states with another 2 Federal Law enforcement agencies by their side to serve as secondary assistance in more major cases of where crime is taken to shaking levels. Each unit has a separate assigned task force, jurisdiction and expertise in specific fields. With the employment of more than 40000 highly trained, skilled and dedicated police officers within their own respective departments, this ensures the widespread safety of Germans while having so many officers on duty. Duties carried out, don’t always require special permissions from superiors to engage as compared to some Police laws of other countries.
Germany has a special established University called ‘Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei’ (German Police University) which is the official and designated place at which all police newbies will undergo intensive studying and educational training before becoming physical on-the-field training. Each successful candidate will be given the exact same knowledge of the justice system and serves as a regulatory education set for all new police officers. The Federal police have developed a lot and has grown independent as well as advanced. The Nazi has also had great influence on the development they’ve seen today since the Holocaust era.
6. AFP (Australian Federal Police)

The Australian Federal Police Force has become highly reputable by doing everything the force has been trained to do by the power of its governmental structure to uphold the law to the highest of its standards. With regards to developed countries and areas in general the illegal drug production is increasing as the years pass. The AFP is responsible for the seizure of one of the biggest drug bust in the nation’s history if not the only one Australia can trace back to. An estimated amount of $900 Australian Dollars of Crystal Meth has been seized by AFP.
AFP has an astounding reputation for criminal justice. Only a highly trained police force could have been able to carry out an investigation of this spider-webbed nature without arousing the suspicions of and alarming the people they were after. The reason why we can render that the AFP is one of the highly trained Police Forces has been proved with their pride-less effort to go into joint forces in order to merge as one strong battalion with the NSW to combat terrorism.
Hats off to the AFP for being one of the first police forces to practically, literally and effectively enforce and practice gender equity. They plan to have more women in their police force in the next decade to come. It is expected that more than half of sworn by oath women will fill the force. The training and recruitment of more women into the Force will keep more women out of danger from the crimes of the streets.
5. National Police of France

Prior to Italy, France is also known for and is widely known as the “Love Destination” since it hosts one of the worlds most treasured and magical cities. Just recently, the world came to a standstill and news headlines were ruled by the suicide bomb attacks leaving more than a hundred people dead in the process in Paris – The city of Love became a disaster during this period. The municipal Police Forces of France are traditionally trained to deal with more minor crimes such as: petty theft, mugging, handling of missing persons cases, vehicle accidents, speeding fines etc.
However each team in their policing system is responsible for ensuring that the country’s glory is withheld on a daily basis while The National Police Force is in charge of law enforcement in Urban areas and is assisted by the Gendarmerie every now and then which is France’s Military force. Special units also are called in by National Police of France.
4. New Zealand Police

The Royal New Zealand Police College certainly does prepare students and new recruits for the finer things that the practical part of the may not and this is a beautiful thing. Most certainly one of the highly trained Police Forces in the world which focuses primarily on everything that law enforcement is built upon regardless of what country or Police Unit which includes: sifting out the best of the best from the recruitment, from the start who are able to prove loyalty to the force, their uniform and to the city, commitment, integrity, and complex problem solving abilities from each officer.
As a stringent requirement to become a highly trained officer of the New Zealand Police, each officer is trained to be able to handle Heavy machine guns as well as tactical side arms. New Zealand police is also separated into the following units of specific training : 111 Emergency armed offenders squad, Beat and Patrol, Counter Terror, Criminal investigation, Diving Squad ,K9 units, Narcotics, Forensics,Traffic department as well as E-Crime support.
3. Polizia Di Stato (Italian State Police)

Besides the richness of a variety of delicious foods, romantic sunsets of Capri, Italy is also home to THE ITALIAN MAFIA which ultimately rules organized crime world. Polizia Di Stato can be rendered one of the highly trained police forces in the world due to their exclusive establishment and effective implementation if the “Italian Anti- Mafia” division which is responsible for the arrests of 2 of the most dangerous and violent Mafia Bosses who were hidden in the depths of barren mountains.
All in all, The National Italian Police Force consists of a staggering amount of approximately 300 000 police officials split amongst 5 National forces and 5 Local Police forces being relatively the highest number of police officials in the European Union. They are also given assistance by the Italian Military as well as other special forces and have super-fast police cars such as the Lamborghini Huracan which requires a more complex amount of training to drive.
2. NYPD – New York Police Department

Yes you’ve guessed it, New York’s Finest and America’s highly trained police forces which has begun to exist since 1845. Almost two and a half centuries in service to the community and practicing law enforcement as their prime objective, purpose and mission and you can be sure that throughout the years, they’ve trained individuals to the highest of training standards that a Municipal police station can offer. Their responsibility to protect a world pool of people which covers at least 8,405,000 people states in itself the amount of Highly Trained officer’s its municipal offices would have needed to breed in order to live up to the “protect and defend” mission of their duties.
Due to NYPD‘s training, the results of their beautiful work as policemen has seen an 80% drop in violent crimes thus far which is outstanding! They have implemented various different effective programs into the NYPD and which has been the ultimate result of Real Law Enforcement in motion.
What makes NYPD second highly trained police forces in the world is simply due to their structure of training divisions to police officers such as: Scholarship opportunities, Recruit Training, Physical and tactics training, Driver Education Training, Chemical awareness training, Tactical training, Computer training (digital forensics), Civilian training, Criminal investigations, instructor development or simply Human Resources within the NYPD which all amounts to their strategies of graduating the New York’s finest by the decade. They also specialize in a wide array of Emergency Services units, K9, Harbor patrol, Air Support, Anti-Terrorism, Bomb Squads, narcotics and public transportation. Which covers more or less most of the areas of where crime lurks in New York.
1. NPA (National Police Agency) – Japan

Here is particularly why, the NPA ranks #1 on the list of highly trained police forces in the world. Being directly under the National Public Safety commission. Ultra-discipline is carried out by every police official in Japan or at least majority of them as it’s very rare to find corrupt police officers in the masses as we do in America etc. The structure of the Training that the Japanese Police Agency receives as a whole can be regarded as: intense, versatile, flexible, and cover almost every known aspect to crime prevention or law enforcement. In the NPA, Policemen and women are trained equally in the following respective divisions which are responsible for handling every issue that they were trained for in their department. There are divided strategically in:
- General affairs division which deals with accounting and student affairs.
- Police Administration Training Division which trains each and every new recruit for the mass and secure handling of paperwork, emergency calls, etc.
- General Safety Police Training Division responsible for making sure normal safety precautions are adhered to with regards to the public.
- Community Police Training division which is there for the support of the people who needs them most.
- Criminal Investigation Training Division that investigates so thoroughly in almost every type of case committable by an offender.
- Organized Crime Training Division that’s constantly on lookout for Asian ‘underworld’ crime organizations.
- Traffic police Training Division can gain one of the greatest respects as compared to the traffic police of any other country outside of Asia and America due to their population of more than a 100 million people of Japan alone which means the high rate of road rage, accidents, congestion and collateral pileup of vehicles that the Traffic division of Japan are trained to deal with.
- The Security Police Division are one of the main sub-divisions that assist with extreme hostile situations.
- Instructor Training division and not forgetting the Physical Training Division whom is most important. In the NPA.
There’s also a designated Research and Training Center that conducts financial crime investigations that stump down on money laundering and fraudulent cases etc. Police officers of the NPA are also trained into fighting ‘Cybercrime’. Their admirable implementation of the crisis management system to aid in assisting in disaster relief, as well their cooperating on an international scale with other authorities to help fight crime globally.
10 Most Highly Trained Police Forces
- NPA – Japan
- NYPD – New York Police Department
- Polizia Di Stato (Italian State Police)
- New Zealand Police
- National Police of France
- AFP (Australian Federal Police)
- Federal Police – Germany
- People’s Armed Police – China
- Netherlands National Police Agency
- RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)