Life these days is busy and stressful. We are always busy chasing deadlines and performing various roles at home and work. Most of our time is spent in offices often tied to the desk. Its difficult to hit the gym or even go out for a walk. The lack of time leads to lack of exercise. All work and no exercise often leads to stress. You can protect yourself by learning how to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and taking steps to reduce its harmful effects.
We have compiled 10 lifestyle changes for healthy and better living.
1. Cook often

It might sound as a daily and boring everyday chore but cooking food at home everyday has various advantages. When you cook at home using fresh ingredients you not only enhance the nutrition value of the food but also ensure a cleaner and hygienic preparation. The prepared food in restaurants is generally loaded with oil and cream, recooked and reheated which destroys the core nutrition of the food. Cooking also works as a stress buster activity for many. Creating something healthy and pretty is certainly a reason to rejoice.
2. Sleep well

After a tiring day of almost 12-14 hours in action of work at office or home, traveling, reading, social networking, cooking, cleaning etc. you deserve a good sleep for. Although there is no defined hours of sleeping prescribed for a healthy living but minimum of 6 hours of sound sleep is required for the body to rest and cells and tissues to repair. Ensure you sleep without any distractions in a comfortable and dark place away from the phone and other gadgets.
3. Stay active and Keep moving

You might not have everyday time for exercise but its important that you walk as much as possible. Most of us have desk ridden jobs which restricts us form any kind of displacement often. The idea is to find ways to increase your movements. Adopt simple tricks like take the stairs instead of elevators, park your vehicle away from the entrance, walk while you talk on mobile phone, go for a walk instead of a coffee break or go to colleague’s desk instead of pinging or calling him. This is one of most effective lifestyle changes for healthy and better living.
4. Don’t skip breakfast

When it comes to loosing a few pounds or getting late for work, the first thing we do is skip breakfast. It is in fact the most important meal of the day. A healthy and hearty breakfast fuels your body to kick start the day with energy. If also cuts down the frequent hunger pangs or the possibility of over indulgence into a big lunch or dinner. Ideally the largest portion of your calorie intake should be covered in breakfast, followed by lunch and then dinner.
5. Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables

It is very important to understand the food you intake. You should understand the amount of calories you need in a day as per your lifestyle and the kind of nutrients you need and when. You should increase more of fruits and vegetables in your diet ad they are natural source of vitamins, proteins, minerals, iron and carbohydrates . Having said that, you should be aware of the right form of food which provides such nutrients for example vegetables if overcooked lose their nutritional value. Since the body needs all kinds of vitamins, proteins and other nutrients to function, ensure you intake fruits and vegetables in large amount compared to fat, starch or carbs.
6. Eat at the right time

While eating the right food is important, eating at the right time is a crucial factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle too. The ideal time for the three big meals of the day are:
- Breakfast – 7 -8 am
- Lunch – 12:30-2 pm
- Dinner- 7-9 pm
For the dinner it is important to eat at least 3 hours before going to bed. You should give ample time for the food to get semi-digested before you sleep. Adopt these lifestyle changes for healthy and better living
7. Avoid excessive alcohol

Consuming alcohol in excess leave the body dehydrated which can cause a host of other imbalances in the body. It can also lead to many liver and kidney related ailments. Excess of alcohol also leads to an unacceptable and irresponsible social behavior which in turn gives rise to unlikely circumstances. Limit the intake of alcohol and substitute it with fresh fruit juices or sodas.
8. Drink more water

Instead of alcohol or sodas it is always a better idea to drink water. Our body needs around 4 liters of water everyday. Water aids in digestion, ensures a healthy skin, keeps the body hydrated, regulates body temperature, helps in weight loss and ensures that the body is active and agile. Carry a water bottle wherever you go and make sure you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. Adhere to this lifestyle changes for healthy and better living. See also; how to boost your daily water intake?
9. Get plenty of sunlight

Sun they say is life and all life forms are possible on this earth due to sun. Sun light provides vitamin D which has many advantages including a reduced risk of several forms of cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis, as well as improved immune function. While burning and heat strokes should be avoided, ensure you get as much sunlight exposure as possible for optimal health.
10. Spend time on yourself

Although it is not possible to squeeze in a lot of activities during the hectic days, but spending a little time on yourself doing things which make you happy and feel positive is one way definite way of living a healthy life. Try one of these lifestyle changes for healthy and better living: Take a walk, play a game of your choice, spend time with children or the senior ones, take your pet for a walk, spend time with nature or do anything which makes you feel fresh and agile.
10 Lifestyle Changes For Healthy and Better Living
- Cook often
- Sleep well
- Stay active and Keep moving
- Don’t skip breakfast
- Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables
- Eat at the right time
- Avoid excessive alcohol
- Drink more water
- Get plenty of sunlight
- Spend time on yourself