The games world is full of shady characters. After years and years of nights and days spent on the computer, I can say that most of them are pretty predictable, boring and unoriginal. That’s because developers copied each other, not giving a damn about story or character development. But there are some who break the pattern. These ten characters made me beautiful moments that were spent in front of the monitor. Check out these 10 coolest video game characters:
The Top 10 Coolest Video Game Characters Ever
10. Prince of Persia

The only thing interesting to me was the character’s evolution during the three games in the series. That kept me in front of the monitor. From a quite naive and picky nobleman, succeed to be a quite mature and contradictory character during the three parts of the game.
On the one hand, it presents its good side. On the other hand, it has a dark, sarcastic, arrogant side and thinks only of revenge. Too bad the game is generally repetitive and rather predictable story.
See also; Costliest Video Games – 10 Most Expensive Video Games Ever Produced.
9. Altaïr

He is the main character in Assassin’s Creed (first from the series) among the coolest video game characters. My character was a guy named Desmond, less interesting than Altaïr. But Desmond is forced to use a machine which sends him back in time, directly inside Altair’s body, an assassin from the medieval period (The Third Crusade period).
Obviously, as killer I had to do what I knew better: to kill certain characters, basically anyone who stood in my way. Along the way, I could do other stuff, like to study medieval Jerusalem or Damascus cities. I admit I may have liked Altaïr because of historical side of the game.
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8. Monkey

It’s the name of the character I controlled in Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. There I was playing the role of a big guy with a very strong self-preservation instinct, quite ironic and almost with super-human climbing abilities. Because of this it was named Monkey. During the game I found it a really sentimental guy.
However, all attributes are essential, whereas the game action takes place in a post-apocalyptic world in which my main concern was to survive and help my partner to survive (who originally let me die).
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7. Garrett

Here I played the role of a thief. Later I became assassin, because sometimes it’s too difficult to steal without hitting his head. Garrett is one of the coolest video game characters but not a very noble character, especially because it steals to keep everything for him. But it is not evil. Especially considering it usually steals from guys who are worse than him. In fact, I can say it’s really the good guy of the story.
And yes, obviously Thief series of games has a story. Otherwise it would be too boring. The funniest things remain stealing, quietly entering the buildings and the rooms, silent assassinations and hiding bodies in dark corners.
See also; 10 Most Appealing Female Game Characters.
6. Commander Shepard

If you went through the Mass Effect game series, then you know who is Commander Shepard. If you haven’t played yet then you should do it. Shepard is the best model of good and noble boy who saves the galaxy in any situation. Very interesting, right? Well, not really. There are so many games with this kind of characters. It is something what makes him special from the rest of the noble and multi-functional heroes.
Even when I played the game, I had to make choices about who lives and who dies, who to help and who not, and what girl to be with me. And my decisions influence the events of the next parts. The game has three parts which is another really cool thing of the game.
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5. Guybrush Threepwood

Disregarding the ridiculous name, he is the main character of the Monkey Island series and ranks among my top coolest video game characters. His goal in life is to become pirate. It is probably one of the most naive, silly and noodle characters in gaming. That is really funny.
Well, the truth is that the game puts you in all sorts of situations which do not let you many choices but to be naive or noodle. Definitely, it is a true genius compared to other characters in the game.
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4. Star Wars the Old Republic

Obviously, Star Wars the Old Republic is not a character but a game. The reason I didn’t designate a certain character is that the main character in this game was me. The idea is when the game starts, you can choose your faction: the forces of the Republic (good guys), or those of the Empire (me). I thought the alliance with good guys must be boring and predictable.
Indeed, you have to be sadistic, have the pleasure of torturing your victims or kill them slowly. The point is in this game you can build your own character, according with the choices you make. And the story will evolve in a particular direction, also according with your choices. It is not necessary to choose only the best options or just the bad ones. You can mix them if you want.
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3. Black & White

In my opinion, this is one of the most original games and has one of the coolest video game characters. It offered me the opportunity to play the role of God. Do you want to see how is to throw thunderbolts on innocent people, to drown an innocent woman just with a simple hand gesture or to break trees? This game offers all these possibilities.
Obviously, good things can be done. Actually, your actions will turn you into a good god or an evil one. Oh, and another thing: you can have your pet which will grow up enormous and you can teach it how you want.
See also; Top 10 most popular Pokemon characters.
2. Duke Nukem

Well, this is a character from another age, although it appeared in recent games such as Duke Nukem Forever. Many players relate it with the film characters of Arnold Schwarzenegger. But it seems to me more related to those of Sylvester Stallone, especially the one from The Expendables.
Duke Nukem is full of steroids, kills a lot, it is super effeminate, destroys buildings and can’t stop to blaspheme or be sarcastic. We are talking about a game where the character’s vitality is called EGO. I think that says something.
See also; Top 10 hottest Sonic girls.
1. Booker DeWitt

He is the main character in Bioshock Infinite, one of the best and most original of all the time. Such a game could not have a boring character as main character. Although Booker DeWitt is, in fact, just another badass, later its value is enhanced by the context in which it is cast.
That is very weird: a floating city, tearing the space-time (other temporal dimensions), a mysterious girl, some magical powers, strange technologies and a story even stranger.
10 Coolest Video Game Characters
- Booker DeWitt
- Duke Nukem
- Black & White
- Star Wars the Old Republic
- Guybrush Threepwood
- Commander Shepard
- Garrett
- Monkey
- Altaïr
- Prince of Persia